Tarantula shedding

The Brazilian salmon pink tarantula (Lasiodora parahybana) has just moulted.

Tarantula moulting

In order to grow spiders must regularly moult, young spiders will shed their skin several times a year whilst in an adult tarantula it probably only happen once a year.

The old skin
The old skin

To moult out of the old skin the spider lays down a layer of silk and will then fall on to its back on this bed. It will then spend several hours in this position until the carapace (back) seperates and the abdomen splits and the spider is able to withdraw from the old skin.

Shed tarantula skin close up

Thes new skin will be be very soft and easily damaged so the tarantula will hide away for a few days. 

Close up of the shed fangs with my little finger
Close up of the shed fangs with my little finger

Over a series of moults the spider is able to replace any legs that have been lost due to accidents or attacks by predators.


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